Tips for Sprucing Up Beer

We were driving past groves of Sitka spruce, Alaska's state tree that's everywhere in SE Alaska. The bus driver/guide made the remark in passing: "A tavern in town serves a local sour beer made with the tips of these trees." I was immediately intrigued. Spruce buds in the making of beer? He added that this... Continue Reading →

Creek Street, a Walk on the Wild Side

Strolling along historic Creek Street is not much different than any modern-day boardwalk of shops and restaurants. It has obvious appeal to tourists who pour through here in the summer, the cruise hordes numbering nearly a million this year alone. It's conveniently located only a few blocks from the cruise terminal. You would never know... Continue Reading →

Hubbard Glacier is Defying Global Warming Trends

The first I saw Hubbard Glacier was from the upper deck of the cruise ship. The captain announced its approach over the PA system. Passengers positioned themselves wherever they could get a good look. I estimated that the vessel got no closer than a few miles because the glacier, the largest in North America at... Continue Reading →

Shakes Glacier Is Receding at a Fast Clip

At the end of a jet boat ride on the Stikine River is Shakes Glacier. It has the unfortunate reputation for being one of the fastest receding glaciers in Alaska, at a current rate of 350ft/yr, according to the Shakes Glacier Survey Team. Because of this, icebergs regularly calve from the terminus, some of which... Continue Reading →

Eagle Eyes

There are terms we use about which we don't give much thought. On the face of it, their origin seems obvious enough, it's just that we have no personal experience to give the expressions much tangible significance; they're part of the common vernacular. 'Eagle eyes' is one of them. I was on a boat tour... Continue Reading →

Departure Delay in Alaska

It seems the common murre, also known as a guillemot, needs a good head start to fly. With a relatively hefty body compared to its wings, departure takes a bit of effort and once aloft, it can't maneuver very well. If you were to suddenly stand up in its flight path, there's a good chance you... Continue Reading →

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